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Do I need Prior experience?

No previous experience is necessary to begin Jiu Jitsu.

Here at Electric City BJJ we have classes for all levels, from beginners to advanced.


Our Beginners level classes are designed for individuals with no/limited experience.

What do I bring on my first day?

Our beginner's class will not require a Gi uniform.

You can wear shorts and a dry-fit shirt or rash guard.

Am I too old for
Jiu Jitsu?

You're never too old to start practicing Jiu Jitsu.

In fact, many Jiu Jitsu practitioners start later in life and find that the art helps them stay active, develop strength, flexibility, improves their mental focus and well-being.

Do you offer a kids program?

Yes, we have an adult and a kid's program.

Our Kids program will focus on teaching your child different ways to handle bullying and how to safely resolve situations when they have no choice but to defend themselves.

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